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Team Leicester ONLY Membership 2024-25 (FULL YEAR)




Students who purchased a Team Leicester club membership, Term 1, September 2024-December 2024 but didn’t purchase a sports membership, need to purchase this membership

Available to University of Leicester students only.

This membership gives you access to Team Leicester activities ONLY (not the gym, pool, spa pool, sauna, steam room, courts or classes).


Detailed Description

Important Info

Please also visit https://www.leicesterunion.com/opportunities/sports, click on the sports club you wish to join and pay. You need both of these memberships to train, socialise and compete.


Refunds policy

We offer a full refund policy up to and including 14 days from the date of purchase of this membership. Refunds requested after 14 days from the date of purchase will be classed as early termination of membership (terms and conditions apply). Please email your details to memberships@le.ac.uk to request a refund.

Terms and Conditions

By purchasing this product you agree to the following terms and conditions – 


Terms and conditions of annual and termly membership | Sport and Active Life | University of Leicester


User conditions | Sport and Active Life | University of Leicester



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