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The University of the West Indies and University of Leicester International Summer School 2025

The University of the West Indies and University of Leicester International Summer School 2025


The UWI/UL International Summer School ran successfully for the first time in June 2019, hosted by three Schools in the College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities at the University of Leicester. It is an annual, week-long intensive programme with an emphasis on both academic and professional development that is hosted in alternate years in Leicester and the Caribbean. It is aimed at postgraduate students and early career researchers from the Caribbean and the UK with an interest in global studies and a background in any discipline across the arts, humanities and social sciences, and we encourage applicants with a diverse range of interests.


The next Summer School will take place at the University of Leicester, from 2nd to 7th June 2025, and this year’s theme is migration, diaspora and mobile identities.


The deadline for payment of the options that include accommodation is February 28th




Attendee CategoryCost   
Package B - Summer School (conference only, non-residential)£350.00[Read More]
Package D - Summer School (including accommodation) - Remaining fee (if deposit already paid)£562.50[Read More]

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