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Statistical Mechanics of the Climate System and of Ecosystems – Satellite Workshop of StatPhys29

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Dates of Event
1st July 2025 – 3rd July 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
2nd June 2025


The ongoing climate crisis and mass extinction are extremely serious challenges faced by humanity. Ideas borrowed from statistical physics, dynamical systems, and stochastic processes together with numerical modelling and data-driven methods including machine learning are moving forward the understanding of the climate system and of ecosystems. of general relevance for mathematics, physics, and data science are taking inspiration from problems emerging in Earth system science. This StatPhys29 satellite wishes to bring together a group of diverse scientists. We invite contributions on a wide range of topics from and around statistical mechanics, including large deviation theory, extreme events, response theory, chaos, diffusion processes, pattern formation, metastability, tipping behaviour, early-warning indicators, reduced order modelling, interpretable machine learning, with a special focus on the climate system and ecosystems. Contributions of methodological nature are also welcome.

The event is partially supported by the American Physical Society, by the London Mathematical Society, and by the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

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Attendee CategoryCost   
Package 1 - Early bird regular fee£100.00

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